伸缩门主要结构及工作原理 |
添加时间:2017/7/27 15:47:07 浏览次数: |
伸缩门主要结构及工作原理 The main structure and working principle of the expansion door 1、建星伸缩门的种类公司对产品研发高度重视,不仅在产品外观上取得突破,在结构上也取得令人刮目相看的成绩,如段滑门和分段门产品的结构更是创行业先河。 1, star gate type company built on attaches great importance to product research and development, make a breakthrough on the product appearance, not only on the structure and the impressive achievements, such as sliding door and segmentation is a product structure of door industry precedent. 目前公司产品分以下种类: The following types of products are: A、铝型材豪华伸缩门(见标准产品图片) A. Luxury expansion door of aluminum profile (see standard product picture) B、精钢豪华伸缩门(见标准产品图片) B, fine steel luxury expansion door (see standard product picture) C、宙斯盾段滑门(见标准产品图片) C, aegis sliding door (see standard product picture) D、银盾280分段门(见标准产品图片) D, silver shield 280 section doors (see standard product picture) E、标准型不锈钢门(见标准产品图片) E, standard stainless steel doors (see standard product pictures) 2、伸缩门的结构伸缩门主要由门体、驱动器、控制系统构成。门体采用优质不锈钢及铝合金专用型材制作,采用平行四边形原理铰接,伸缩灵活行程大。驱动器采用特种电机驱动,蜗杆蜗轮减速,并设有手动离合器,停电时可手动启闭,控制系统有控制板,按钮开关,另可根据用户需求配备无线遥控装置。可配备滚动显示屏,显示500字的显示内容。还可配备智能红外线双探头防碰撞装置,遇人或异物20-30CM可自动返回运行,从而保障车辆及行人的安全。 2. The expansion door is composed of door body, actuator and control system. The door body is made of high quality stainless steel and aluminum alloy profile. It is hinged by the principle of parallelogram, and it is flexible and flexible. Adopts special motor drive, drive worm worm gear deceleration, and is equipped with manual clutch, power failure can be manual type, control system has a control panel, push button switch, the other can be equipped with wireless remote control device according to user's demand. Can be equipped with a scroll display, displaying 500 words of display content. It can also be equipped with intelligent infrared double-probe anti-collision device, which can automatically return to operation when the person or foreign object is 20-30cm, thus ensuring the safety of vehicles and pedestrians. |
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