如何购买自动门 |
添加时间:2021/6/9 14:55:40 浏览次数: |
如何购买自动门 How to Buy Automatic Door 1 感应器的选择:在高档酒店、写字楼,可以选择高灵敏度的感应器;在人行道边上的银行、商店等经常有人路过的地方,选择窄区域的感应器。 1. Selection of sensors: In high-end hotels and office buildings, high sensitivity sensors can be selected; in banks and shops on the sidewalk, where people often pass by, sensors in narrow areas can be selected. 2 安全辅助装置:在高档酒店等地方需要杜绝自动门的夹人事件,可以选择安装防夹人红外感应器。 2. Safety aids: In high-end hotels and other places, it is necessary to eliminate the clipping event of automatic doors, and you can choose to install anti-clipping infrared sensors. 3 安装门禁系统及电锁:在自助银行安装自动门,可以增加安铜钟 一次性止血带 标志桩模具 钢丝轮 流水槽模具 防撞墙模具 检查井钢模具 不锈钢铸件 模锻件装自助银行门禁系统,加装电锁,以便实现对进出门的控制。 3. Installation of access control system and electric locks: Installation of automatic doors in self-service banks can increase the installation of self-service bank access control system and add electric locks in order to achieve access control. 4 配备后备电源:为保证停电时自动门也能工作正常,可以配备后备电源。 4 equipped with backup power supply: in order to ensure that the automatic door can work properly when power failure occurs, backup power supply can be equipped. |
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