伸缩门使用安全说明: |
添加时间:2023/6/1 16:20:03 浏览次数: |
伸缩门使用安全说明: Safety instructions for use of retractable door: 1、安装电动伸缩门,必须有接地线,有很多伸 地变电阻柜 精密铸造 中频电炉设备 保定断桥铝门窗 保定养老院 镜子批发 启闭机缩门用户或者安装师傅为了方便,一般不会接地线,只是接通电源线的火线和零线,这样一旦出现电源线老化引起破裂,接触到伸缩门门体,容易发生危险,如果有接地线,将漏的电卸载到大地上,对人体不会有多大的伤害。 1. For the convenience of many users or installation masters, they usually don't connect the ground wire, but connect the live wire and the zero wire of the power line. In this way, once the power line is broken due to aging and contacts the door body, it is easy to cause danger. If there is a ground wire, the leaked electricity will be unloaded to the ground, It won't do much harm to the human body. 2、安装漏电开关保护装置,给电动伸缩门加装一个漏电保护器开关,当有漏电的情况下,它会主动切断电源,这样不会出现漏电引发触电身亡事故发生(漏电保护器开关市场上一般几十上百块钱,用户可以加装)。 2. Install the leakage switch protection device, and add a leakage protector switch to the electric telescopic door. When there is leakage, it will actively cut off the power supply, so that there will be no electric shock and death accidents caused by leakage (the leakage protector switch market is generally tens of hundreds of dollars, and users can install it). 3、定期检查,最近长江中下游(华中、华东、西南)区域进入雷暴雨及台风性季节气候,大部分城市被水灌溉,这时候要特别注意电源线接头地方、门排电源线是否有问题,尽量防止伸缩门被雨水浸泡。 3. Regular inspection shows that the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (Central China, East China and southwest China) have recently entered the thunderstorm and typhoon season climate, and most cities are irrigated by water. At this time, we should pay special attention to whether there are problems with the power line joints and the power lines of the door row, and try to prevent the expansion doors from being soaked by rain. |
上一页 电动伸缩门已经成为了工厂、企事业单位 |
下一页 电动伸缩门的主体包括门体 |
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